Identity theft is a common problem in our country. Fraudsters are finding more and more clever ways to steal your identity. One way a fraudster may steal your identity is by finding your credit or debit card number. Because this is a known problem, Congress created a federal law that says, when retailers provide you with a credit or debit card receipt, that receipt may not contain more than the last four digits of your credit or debit card number. Otherwise, an identity thief may find the receipt and have a better chance of stealing your identity.
Z Law is currently investigating retailers that have printed credit card receipts that contain more than the last four digits of your credit or debit card number. Z Law clients have discovered that some retailers have been providing credit and debit card receipts that contain five or more of your credit or debit card numbers, which creates a greater risk that a fraudster will be able to steal your identity.
If you have been provided with a credit or debit card receipt that contains five or more of the digits on your credit or debit card number, please contact us so that we may provide you with a free consultation. In the event that we are able to prove a violation of your privacy rights, you may be entitled to monetary compensation.